Notice of Regulation: Burham Water Supply Works
Southern Water Ltd : Burham WSW
TK001 – Burham Water Supply Works
Medway Supply Systems
Improvement Programme Database Reference number – SRN-2019-00007
- has received a set of reports from Southern Water Services Ltd (the “Company”) dated 19 February 2018 (the “Reports”) which state that there is or has been a significant risk of supplying water from Burham WSW that could constitute a potential danger to human health.
- GIVES NOTICE to the Company under regulation 28(4) of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 that it must satisfy the following requirements:
For risks associated with:
• Cryptosporidium
• E. coli, Total Coliforms, Enterococci, Clostridium Perfringens
• Pesticides
• Taste
• Odour
• pH
• Loss of Supply
(a) to maintain the following measures for the period specified in each case:
- Maintain and operate existing works treatment in accordance with Company standards.
Date: Ongoing for the duration of the notice. - Continuous on-line monitoring of chlorine concentration and turbidity with appropriate alarm levels and automatic shutdown pre and post disinfection.
Date: Ongoing for the duration of the notice. - Liaise with Public Health England and local authorities in the event of any breach of a health based standard.
Date: Ongoing for the duration of the notice.
(b) to make operational the following measures, by the dates specified below:
Plan and implement Stage 1 of the improvement programme for Burham WSW, to include the following;
- Badenoch and Bouchier compliance. Undertake a review of works compliance with the recommendations of Badenoch and Bouchier.
Date: Complete - Rapid Gravity Filters. Complete necessary short term improvement works to comply with Badenoch and Bouchier recommendations where required.
Date: Complete - Clarifiers. Outlet launders to be assessed and those impacting the efficacy of the clarifiers will be replaced where required and access steelworks built to improve access for cleaning and maintenance.
Date: Complete - Granular Activated Carbon adsorbers. Produce a structural report for the GAC using information gathered from the nozzle replacement project to steer future investment.
Date: Complete - Review the regeneration frequency of GAC media and adjust if necessary.
Date: Complete - Contact Tank. Upgrade the vent covers on the contact tank to ensure protection against vermin.
Date: Complete - Clear Water Tank. Seal all cable entries into the tank.
Date: 31 December 2022 - Chemical storage and dosing. Replace Sodium hydroxide storage tanks and dosing equipment.
Date: 30 November 2020 - Clarifier Polyelectrolyte dosing. Make flow meters on polymer dosing lines operational.
Date: Complete - Intake and Eccles lake Storage. Evaluate the suitability of current raw water storage provided by Eccles Lake and complete a dredging survey.
Date: Complete - Monitoring and control. Carry out a review of the existing monitoring and control equipment at Burham WSW and implement a site wide PLC/SCADA/Network upgrade
Date: 30 June 2021 - Contact tank. Inspect and clean tanks and produce a condition report to assist with the prioritisation of further remedial works needed.
Date: Complete - Auto-coagulation system. Commission the new auto coagulation system and remove the obsolete system.
Date: 31 January 2021 - Review plant shutdown following coagulation failure and implement required improvements.
Date: 31 March 2021
Plan and implement Stage 2 of the improvement programme for Burham WSW, to include the following;
- Rapid Gravity Filters. Design a solution to assess the performance and condition of the Rapid Gravity Filters.
Date: 31 December 2020 - Rapid Gravity Filters. Refurbish or rebuild where necessary, including the installation of individual RGF flow metering, to meet current standards and reduce carryover to the ozone tank and GAC absorbers.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Surge Vessel. Replace or reline the surge vessel.
Date: 30 November 2021 - Monitoring and Control. Ensure future site process improvements are integrated into the RTS framework being delivered in AMP6
Date: 31 December 2020 - High lift pumps and Power Supply. Replace the high voltage switch gear, high lift pumps and motors.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Refurbish or replace generator(s) to ensure resilience
Date: 31 December 2021
Plan and implement Stage 3 of the improvement programme for Burham WSW, to include the following;
- Ozone. Assess the condition and refurbish or replace where necessary to optimise the performance.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Intake. Assess the condition of the draw off tower and its seized valves and refurbish or replace as required.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Replace ozone monitoring.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Clean the pre-ozone contact tank.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Low lift pumps. Assess the condition and refurbish or replace the strainers, low lift pumps and power distribution system where required.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Clarifiers. Assess the performance and condition of the rest of the clarifier launders and refurbish where necessary to meet current standards.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Assess the performance and condition of the clarifiers and install flow meters on each clarifier, with a set of valves to aid future maintenance and complete as necessary, pipework modifications to aid clarifier cleaning.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Review the means of controlling algae growth in the clarifiers and RGFs and implement an effective solution.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Implement floc blanket monitoring to improve desludging rate control.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Granular Activated Carbon absorbers. Complete an assessment of current treatment capacity of the GAC and implement modifications if deemed necessary in order to achieve the full site output.
Date: 31 March 2021 - Clearwater tank. Inspect tank. Replace and/or refurbish defective valves, pumps and monitoring equipment.
Date: 31 December 2022 - Site drainage and discharges. Carry out a site drainage and discharge study and complete any subsequent remedial works required.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Sludge treatment plant. Assess the performance of the sludge treatment plant and improve the resilience of the plant where necessary.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Chemical dosing and storage. Review and replace or refurbish all chemical storage and dosing systems, including polyelectrolyte and hypochlorite, to ensure resilience and compliance.
Date: 31 March 2025 - Monitoring and control. Ensure the tapping point for the final water, triple validation monitors provides a representative sample.
Date: 30 June 2024
c) to audit whether the measures have been effective by the following means:
- Define a strategy for auditing the effectiveness of the measures made operational above.
Date: Complete
(d) not to supply water for Regulation 4(1) purposes from Brede Treatment Works and Beauport Treatment Works
Not applicable.
(e) to provide the following information in the time and manner specified below to enable monitoring of progress towards the mitigation of the risk of supplying water that would constitute a potential danger to human health:
- Provide a progress report annually by 31 January and against the following milestones:
- Submit the audit strategy.
Date: Complete - Provide a report confirming the completion of all actions due for completion by December 2020.
Date: 31 January 2021 - Provide a report confirming the completion of all actions due for completion in March 2021.
Date: 30 April 2021 - Provide a report confirming the completion of all actions due for completion by September 2021.
Date: 31 October 2021 - Provide a report confirming the completion of all actions due for completion in December 2021.
Date: 31 January 2022 - Provide a report confirming the completion of all actions due for completion in December 2022.
Date: 31 January 2023 - Provide a report confirming the completion of all actions due for completion in June 2024.
Date: 31 July 2024 - Provide a report confirming the completion of all actions due for completion in March 2025.
Date: 30 April 2025
- Submit the audit strategy.
- Review the risk assessment for Burham WSW as required by Regulation 27(3) and subsequently submit a revised Regulation 28 report accompanied by a signed board level declaration.
Date: From time to time and one month after delivery of the measures detailed in section b. - Submit a satisfactory completion report
Date: 30 April 2026
Failure by the Company to comply with this Notice may result in enforcement proceedings under section 18 of the Act.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State
Milo Purcell
Deputy Chief Inspector
20 September 2020
DWI Ref: SRN-2019-00007
Version 4