Risk Assessments



2018/02 (PDF 363KB)

Prosecution for non-compliance of Regulation 18 Notice

2017/05 (PDF 56KB)

Faecal contamination of a supply

2017/04 (PDF 79KB) 

Investigation of unusual taste and odour

2017/03 (PDF 53KB)

Water quality affected by external quarrying activities

2017/01 (PDF 76KB)

Unsubstantiated report of illness from consumption of a private supply

2015/08 (PDF 3442KB)

Risks associated with change of use from a supply for non-domestic purposes to domestic purposes

2015/07 (PDF 499KB) 

An outbreak of Escherichia coli 0157 infection amongst users of a private water supply when staying in holiday accommodation

2015/06 (PDF 104KB) 

Inappropriate use of a private supply by a food business can give rise to substantive economic, reputational and regulatory costs

2015/04 (PDF 172KB)

Further evidence of farms as a category of premises at high risk of causing water to be unsafe as a consequence of unsuitable water supply arrangement

2015/03 (PDF 74KB)

Identification of a new Regulation 8 supply, and the need for local authorities and water companies to adopt a joint approach

2015/02 (PDF 75KB)

Consequences of a lack of procedures, site schematic or communication about the operating regime for a private water supply

2015/01 (PDF 256KB)

Cross connection with a public supply

2014/11 (PDF 125KB) 

Illegal connection

2014/03 (PDF 130KB)

Determining the validity of historic agreements concerning the source of a private water supply

2013/19 (PDF 164KB) 

Water safety plan approach to improving the safety of a private supply

2013/18 (PDF 55KB)

Private supplies require active management to ensure they are safe

2013/17 (PDF 59KB)

Illness reported by a visitor to a holiday cottage where the multi-barrier approach to water treatment had not been followed

2013/10 (PDF 60KB)

Managing the risk to private supplies from chemical spills

2012/03 (PDF 54KB)

Borehole risk assessment

2012/01  (PDF 150KB) 

Conflict of interests in relation to a failing private supply located in a local authority’s area where the relevant person (owner and manager) is the local authority

2010/07 (PDF 213KB)

Surface water supply to a public building with accommodation – Risk assessment

2010/02 (PDF 101KB) 

Spring supply to a holiday cottage – benefit of risk assessment

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