Latest documents
Publication of research report ” Effectiveness of Water Treatment Processes in the removal of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs)”
The DWI commissioned research into the effectiveness of water treatment processes in the removal of EDCs in drinking water. The full report and executive summary can be viewed on our Completed Research Page.
Publication of Research report “Cyanotoxins in raw surface waters”
The DWI commissioned research into cyantoxins in raw surface waters to determine the scientific relevance of any prescribed standard for Microcystin-LR (MC-LR), its occurrence in raw surface waters, treated water concentrations, risks to consumers, and the suitability of analysis methods for cyanotoxin monitoring. The full report and executive summary can be viewed on our completed research pages.
Publication of Research reports on the Impact and future of the regulatory model and legislative framework surrounding private water supplies in England and Wales
The DWI commissioned research on the regulatory framework and regulation of private water supplies (PWS) to understand its impact and how this framework could be improved to safeguard consumers of PWS. The full findings are reported in two separate reports for England and Wales.