Drinking Water Inspectorate Complaints Procedure
Owner: Business Performance Manager
Review: Annually
Last reviewed: December 2024
Stage 1
Complaints about the Inspectorate should be made to the Chief Inspector detailing the nature of the complaint. In the first instance all complaints will be investigated by the Chief Inspector or a Deputy Chief Inspector.
A response to the complaint will be made within 20 working days of the date it is received by the Inspectorate. The response will include details of what action has been taken. If it is not possible to make a response within 20 working days because of the need for further information or investigation an interim response will be made. The address for such complaints is:
Chief Inspector of Drinking Water
Drinking Water Inspectorate
Ground Floor, SW
Seacole Building
2 Marsham Street
Stage 2
If the complainant is not satisfied, the complainant can seek a review by the Director, Floods and Water in Defra, who will, if the matter is scientific or technical, appoint an independent specialist to advise them, if necessary.
The address for such complaints is:
Director, Floods and Water
Floods and Water Directorate
Seacole Building
2 Marsham Street
If the complaint concerns the Inspectorate’s actions in Wales, the second stage review would be carried out by the Director, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability of the Welsh Government, with appropriate specialist advice as necessary.
Director, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Welsh Government
Cathays Park 2
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ