Designated Test Laboratories and Consultants
This document provides details for applicants for provision of test laboratories that have been assessed and designated to carry out testing associated to approval under Regulation 31. These test laboratories can carry out testing to meet the criteria of Regulation 31(4)(b) and support applicants, via testing, in approval under Regulation 31(4)(a). The document also provides details of consultants who can work on behalf of applicants submitting applications for approval under Regulation 31(4)(a). In situations where an applicant chooses a consultant that will be the point of contact for the application, correspondence will not be with the applicant. The Table below provides the list of designated laboratories and consultants. It is not an exhaustive list and will be updated when required.
BS 6920 Testing
BS 6920 testing is usually required to support applications made to the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) for the approval of under Regulation 31 (4) (a), any BS 6920 testing undertaken should be carried out by one of the designated laboratories listed in the Table below.
Alternatively, DWI may consider the results of national UK tests undertaken in other test laboratories with accreditation under (BS) EN ISO/IEC 17025 for the methods employed.
Consultancy Services
In view of the comprehensive nature and the potential complexity of the information required in support of an application for approval, applicants may want to use a consultant who has experience with the requirements of national regulatory authorities to assist you in preparing your submission documents. The DWI is not able to offer a consultancy service to assist with applications, nor is it able to help in resolving any outstanding issues or omissions in the application documents. The consultants listed below should be able to assist with this, although any other consultants may be able to assist.
DWI do not review the competencies of the consultant or consultancy service offered. Inclusion on the list below is not an endorsement or approval of any consultancy.
Note: the DWI cannot take responsibility for delays in the processing of applications resulting from failures to submit all the information required in a timely manner.
DWI Leachate Testing
Once DWI has reviewed the application, the product formulation and BS 6920 test results, it may request further leachate tests. The laboratories listed below are designated as able to undertake such leachate tests where indicated. Whilst designated laboratories are approved by DWI, we will review individual test reports and accept or reject them on a case by case basis (i.e. designated laboratory doesn’t guarantee accepted report).These laboratories are accredited to BS EN ISO/IEC 17025 for the general requirements specified by DWI (see Test Protocol 0 – (
Applicants should approach the laboratories directly to obtain quotations for the product test requirements specified by the DWI.
Important Notes
- DWI reserves the right to ask for
- clarification of any aspects of test results reported
- repeat testing if the analytical report is unsatisfactory
- further testing if the results reveal a previously unknown or unsuspected problem.
- To avoid potential “conflicts of interest”, if the applicant has any commercial ties with one of the designated test laboratories, e.g. through joint ownership in the same commercial group, advice should be sought from the Inspectorate before placing any test work with this laboratory. If the designated test laboratory is acting on behalf of the applicant to the water industry, e.g. through advocacy of the applicant’s product or process, this also should be declared to the Inspectorate before any testing work is placed with the laboratory.
Depending upon the nature of both the product and any such ties, the Inspectorate may still agree, however, to the work being undertaken by the test laboratory.
List of Designated Laboratories and Consultants
The table below provides the list for designated laboratories and consultants is not an exhaustive list and will be updated when required.
Laboratory / Consultant | Contact | |||
David Mullard | Mr David Mullard | Consultancy services
| ||
Eastern Consultancy & Surveying Ltd | Mr Steve Kippin | Consultancy services
| ||
Intertek | TBC | BS6920 testing Under development | ||
Kiwa Ltd | Emma Celmer-Thomas | BS6920 testing
| ||
NSF | Mr Mike Bustin E-mail: | BS6920 testing
| Leachate studies Under development | |
QUALITURK Conformity Assessment Services JSC | Mr. Ahmet Can ÇIRPI email: | Consultancy services
| ||
Smithers Ltd | Matt Bridge | BS6920 testing | ||
WRc Ltd | Dr Austen Buck email:
| Consultancy services
Becoming a Designated Laboratory and/or Consultant
- Designated Test Laboratory – Please review Test Protocol 0 which provides the requirements for becoming a designated laboratory. Contact the email address with a letter of intention to become a designated test laboratory providing a timeline of key dates where targets will be met, including when an audit of the laboratory by DWI would be considered.
- Consultants – please write to with contact details as per table above.
- Removal from the above table – please contact with a letter asking for the removal from the table or removal from a category of the table.
Useful terms used in regulation 31 documents