Drinking Water Quality – Advisory Group 

The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 (England) and 2018 (Wales), Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 and Private Water Supplies (Wales) Regulations 2017 include schedules of parameters which water companies are required to monitor to verify drinking water safety. As new risks emerge, such as from industrial contaminants and due to changes in environmental waters, and scientific evidence evolves, these standards require periodic review to ensure robust protection of public health.

The Drinking Water Inspectorate has assembled a group of experts to review and provide recommendations on parameters to ensure drinking water quality in England and Wales remains of the highest standards. The review includes updating, removing or incorporating additional standards as required to protect public health and maintain consumer confidence in drinking water. Using scientific evidence, including World Health Organisation guideline values, the advisory group will provide recommendations to the Chief Inspector who will advise ministers.

The recommendations and full report of the advisory group (dated December 2024) on future drinking water standards can be viewed below.

Advisory group members are listed below, although the Inspectorate will invite additional specialists from time to time when required.

UK Health Security Agency 

Dr Ian Barnabas (Northumbrian Water Limited) 

Dr Austen Buck (Water Research Centre Ltd)

Dr Sarah Bull (Tara Consultancy) 

Ms Sharon Evans (Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water) 

Professor John Fawell (Cranfield University) 

Dr Emma Goslan (Cranfield University) 

Professor Nigel Graham (Emeritus Professor of Imperial College London) 

Professor Peter Jarvis (Cranfield University) 

Mr Robert Pitchers (Independent consultant) 

Dr Katherine Pond (University of Surrey) 

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