Notice of Regulation: Maindell Water Treatment Works
Portsmouth Water Limited: Maindell Water Treatment Works
Reference: PRT3719
Water undertaker as appointed under section 6 of the Water Industry Act 1991 (as amended): Portsmouth Water Limited, with registered number 02536455 (hereinafter called ‘the Company’).
Assets affected:
TMAI – Maindell Treatment Works
- The Drinking Water Inspectorate (‘the Inspectorate’) has received a regulation 28(1) report of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 (as amended) (‘the Regulations’) from the Company dated 12 June 2017, which states that there is or has been a significant risk of supplying water from Maindell Water Treatment Works (and associated assets as applicable) that could constitute a potential danger to human health.
- Consequently, this Notice is served on the Company by the Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State, under regulation 28(4) for the assets listed above, for risks associated with Cryptosporidium oocysts.
- The Company are required to satisfy the following:
(a) to maintain the following measures for the period specified in each case:
- Maindell Water Treatment Works is to be kept out of supply, unless the conditions specified in section (d) are met.
Date: Until completion of measures (b)5.
(b) to review, revise or make operational the following measures, by the dates specified in each case:
- Continue work to identify and risk assess the contamination pathways that may reach the source.
Date: Until revocation of this Notice - Produce a Long Term Action Plan for Maindell Water Treatment Works to address the risk of Cryptosporidium.
Date: Complete (31 December 2019) - Establish the Final Long Term Action Plan for Maindell Water Treatment Works.
Date: 31 December 2021 - Complete the planning, design and procurement of an effective treatment process for the removal or inactivation of Cryptosporidium to comply with recognised industry good practises and recommendations and to secure the long term protection of human health of those consumers receiving water from the associated supply system(s).
Date: TBC on the outcome of the Final Long Term Action Plan completed under measure (b)3. - Complete the construction, installation and commissioning into supply of the chosen solution identified in (b)3. above to mitigate the risk from Cryptosporidium.
Date: TBC on the outcome of the Final Long Term Action Plan completed under measure (b)3.
(c) to audit whether the measures have been effective by the following means:
- Define an audit strategy to monitor the effectiveness of the measures specified in section (a) and (b).
Date: TBC on completion of measure (b)3. - Implement, and keep under continuous review, the audit strategy defined in measure (c)1.
Date: Following completion of measure (c)1. onwards
(d) not to supply water for regulation 4(1) purposes from Maindell Water Treatment Works, or not to so supply unless the specified conditions below are satisfied:
Specified conditions:
- A full investigation into the quality of the raw water sources supplying Maindell Water Treatment Works, characterisation of the risks to water quality and appropriate actions to mitigate against Cryptosporidium in the final water have been completed; and
Date: Until completion of measures (b)5. - Enhanced monitoring for Cryptosporidium is implemented; and
Date: Until the completion of measure (b)5. - Notification to the Inspectorate, with provision of the above information and anticipated duration of use.
Date: Until the completion of measure (b)5.
(e) to provide the following information in the time and manner specified below to enable monitoring of progress towards the mitigation of the risks:
- Provide a progress report annually by 31 January and against the following milestones:
Date: Annually by 31 January- Submit the Long Term Action Plan produced under measure (b)2. This must also outline the Company’s chosen course of action to address the risk of Cryptosporidium from Maindell Water Treatment Works and the timescales for delivery of the chosen mitigation.
Date: Completed (31 January 2020) - Submit the Final Long Term Action Plan produced under measure (b)3. This must also outline the Company’s chosen course of action to address the risk of Cryptosporidium from Maindell Water Treatment Works and the timescales for delivery of the chosen mitigation.
Date: 31 January 2022 (submit as the annual progress report) - Submit the audit strategy defined under measure (c)1.
Date: 1 month following the completion of (c)1. - Confirm the completion of measure b)4.
Date: TBC - Confirm the completion of measure (b)5.
Date: TBC
- Submit the Long Term Action Plan produced under measure (b)2. This must also outline the Company’s chosen course of action to address the risk of Cryptosporidium from Maindell Water Treatment Works and the timescales for delivery of the chosen mitigation.
- Submit a report in the event that any completed measure of this Notice needs to be altered in any way for any reason.
Date: Ongoing for the duration of this Notice - Submit a satisfactory completion report accompanied by a revised regulation 28(1) report with Board level Director sign-off.
Date: 13 months after the completion of all measures in section (b)
- Any product or substance used as a result of the requirements in this Notice must comply with regulation 31.
- Under regulation 28(6) the Inspectorate, on behalf of the Secretary of State, may by notice served on the Company, revoke or vary this Notice.
- Failure by the Company to comply with this Notice may result in enforcement proceedings under section 18 of the Water Industry Act 1991(as amended).
- Contravention of a regulation 28(4)(d) requirement is an offence under regulation 33(1). If guilty of such an offence, the Company is liable on summary conviction, or on conviction on indictment, to a fine. Under regulation 33(2) it is a defence for the Company to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence.
Milo Purcell
Deputy Chief Inspector, on behalf of the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
08 December 2020
DWI reference: PRT3719
Version 4