Warning Letters

These letters are served as a warning to the company that any further repeat events of this nature could result in further sanctions, including enforcement or prosecution.

Date of event

Date of letter

Event details

5 August 2024

31 January 2025

Southern Water was issued with a warning letter following an event at its Brede works in Kent which involved the use of non-approved dechlorination tablets and where the national conditions of use for electrolytically generated sodium hypochlorite were not followed onsite.  Following this event the company has improved its risk assessment and sign off processes to prevent a recurrence.

21 July 2022 to 10 May 2024

28 November 2024

Hafren Dyfrdwy was issued with a warning letter following the supply of water to a consumer property for an extended period following a breach of the regulatory lead standard. The company did not replace the lead pipework following initial sampling in 2022, instead, advising the consumers to flush their taps. The company risk assessment for this zone listed phosphate dosing as plumbosolvency control, however, due to rezoning the property was supplied with non-dosed water for approximately 22 months. Follow-up sampling did not take place until 2024, at which time the lead results were again in breach of the standard. The company subsequently replaced the lead pipework supplying four consumer properties.

21 July to 6 September 2023

4 July 2024

United Utilities was issued with a warning letter following a planned source water change during July 2023. The company risk assessment did not adequately consider how the source water change would impact consumers and the company also failed to fully implement learning from a previous similar event. The company has since updated its risk assessment procedures and undertaken consumer acceptability research to prevent a recurrence.

10 November 2023

4 April 2024

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water was issued with a warning letter following an event involving the supply of water to consumers that had not been subjected to appropriate pH correction and disinfection processes. An improvement notice was served on the company on 21 May 2024.

7 November 2022

29 December 2023

Southern Water was issued a warning letter following the identification of inappropriately applied and unapproved products at the Rainham Mark service reservoir in Kent. Following the identification of the issues, the company promptly removed the service reservoir from supply and completed an extensive investigation into the issue. It has since improved its internal procedures, training and controls of the use of approved products.

22 March 2023

10 November 2023

Thames Water was issued with a warning letter after a burst main downstream of Chinnor works allowed water to be supplied from the works in contravention of a notice to prevent supplies pending remedial work. Thames Water identified an error in closing valves had caused the problem and had inadvertently breached the notice. The company took prompt actions to prevent recurrence by isolating the works and updating their internal procedures.

6 July 2023

20 October 2023

United Utilities was issued with a warning letter following the connection of a water main to a final effluent main at Rossendale Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW). Discoloured water, which contained faecal bacteria was subsequently supplied to the WwTW. The event occurred after the mains were inadvertently cross connected, during capital maintenance works at the WwTW, and was solely confined to the WwTW itself. The company took action to mitigate the risk, by issuing prohibitive advice as well as disinfecting the water supply system at the WwTW and sampling.

21 June 2021

4 April 2023

Northumbrian Water was issued with a warning letter following the connection of two properties to an abandoned main that held groundwater runoff. Property one had been left connected to the abandoned main since 2006 as it was missed during the transfer of properties to a new mains network in the area. A second property was built in 2018 and this was connected onto the supply pipe of the first property, thus also connecting it to the abandoned main. The company has taken actions to prevent a recurrence, including reviewing its mains replacement procedure, replacing the supply pipes of both properties concerned and connecting both properties onto the correct mains network.

30 July 2021

9 January 2023

The Clancy Group considered a relevant person under section 70(1)b of the Water Industry Act 1991, were issued with a warning letter following an event whereby two properties in Deal, Kent were supplied with water which had a hydrocarbon taste and odour following the installation of a new communication pipe. The Clancy Group did not follow the relevant procedure which required certain water quality tests to be completed. Since the event, the company has given ‘toolbox talks’ to its employees and discussed the circumstances of the event with peers in the industry.

19 July 2021

30 November 2022

United Utilities was issued with a warning letter following the supply of water to consumers that had not been subjected to appropriate disinfection processes from the Watergrove water treatment works. The company subsequently implemented remedial measures to prevent a recurrence (Ref:2021/8164).

5 October 2021

26 August 2022

SES Water was issued with a warning letter following the supply of water containing faecal material. The event occurred following a planned internal inspection and clean of the treated water tank at Westwood works, resulting in the company issuing a precautionary boil water notice to affected consumers. The company has taken actions to prevent a recurrence, including a programme to improve resilience in supply.

27 December 2021

21 July 2022

Southern Water was issued with a warning letter following an event at Testwood works where issues of the operation of the auto-coagulation and UV systems led to treated water storage levels becoming low, resulting in discoloured and unwholesome water being supplied which was rejected by consumers. The company has an enforcement notice (SRN3911) in place which include steps to upgrade the treatment process at Testwood works.

17 December 2020

13 January 2022

Affinity Water received a warning letter following increased levels of turbidity entering the contact tank and being supplied from Batchworth works during a trial to increase flows. The company subsequently took action to prevent a recurrence.

6 November 2020

19 August 2021

Northumbrian Water was issued with a warning letter following an event involving the supply of water to consumers that had not been subjected to appropriate treatment. This resulted in the company issuing a boil water notice and providing alternative water supplies to affected consumers.

6 April 2021

26 July 2021

South Staffordshire Water was issued with a warning letter following an event involving the supply of water that had not been subjected to appropriate treatment and disinfection processes. The Inspectorate concluded that the company did not have adequate control measures in place to prevent the supply of untreated water from Little Hay works and failed to take timely action to investigate a telemetry fault. Once the company became aware of the failure it took steps to investigate and rectify the issues found.


16 March 2021

Southern Water was issued with a warning letter after it emerged in 2015 that the company had been bypassing fail-safe mechanisms at treatment works in Kent. In some cases this was done deliberately, and the company admitted supplying inadequately disinfected water as a consequence.

4 May and 29 May 2020

16 September 2020

South Staffordshire Water received a warning letter following two odour failures within the Walsall South Zone. These were caused by Geosmin leaving Hampton Loade treatment works. A notice was already in place for taste and odour at this works (SST_2019_00001) which the company were found to be in breach of. Due to mitigating factors additional enforcement was not deemed appropriate (SST_2020_00004)

4 September 2018

25 November 2019

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water received a warning letter following investigations into consumer complaints about unusual tastes and odours in Pontardawe, near Swansea. This was caused by the company following planned work in the distribution network (2018-6797).

2 July 2018

3 June 2019

SES Water received a warning letter following investigations into levels of turbidity in excess of those stipulated within the regulations entering the contact tank at Woodmansterne water treatment works.  This was a near identical repeat of an event in 2012, the company have taken steps to make a repeat event unlikely to recur (2018-6666).

July and December 2017

29 August 2018

Severn Trent Water received two warning letters following investigations into two incidents at service reservoirs operated by the company. The first incident was associated with the detection of faecal contamination in Mapperley service reservoir, Nottingham in July 2017, following an over-filling event. The second incident was associated with the detection of faecal contamination in High Service Reservoir, Derby in December 2017 following a period of heavy rain when the roof membrane was defective. The Inspectorate subsequently identified evidence of livestock faeces on the roof of the reservoir. The Inspectorate concluded that the company was negligent in not preventing both these events and, in each case, failed to take adequate steps to protect public health. (2017/6164 and 2017/6388).

Various 2017

15 November 2017

Northumbrian Water received two warning letters after the Inspectorate identified use of unapproved produces in the treatment process at Murton works, during a technical audit which was undertaken in response to a series of events at Murton where water of low pH was supplied (2017/5978;6038;6084). The second warning letter was issued because the company provided incorrect information in its final report on one of these events.

26 September 2016

16 November 2017

United Utilities received a warning letter following investigation of an incident where contamination from a stockpile of paper pulp entered the Thirlmere (raw water) aqueduct.  Organic chemicals in the wood pulp caused an unacceptable taste and odour in water supplied to consumers from Lostock treatment works (2016/5764)

5 March 2016

13 October 2017

United Utilities received a warning letter following the detection of Cryptosporidium in water supplied from Woodgate Hill treatment works whilst roof repairs were being carried out on the final contact tank (2016/5456).

20 January 2016

22 September 2017

South East Water was issued with a warning letter  following investigation of an incident where consumers reported an unacceptable taste and odour in their tap water supply. The issue was caused by stagnant water from an abandoned asset at Groombridge treatment works entering the supply (2016/5407).

20 September 2016

7 April 2017

SES Water received a warning letter following the investigation of a mains misconnection to a private supply in Worcester Park (2016/5760) in which unwholesome water was supplied.

4 January 2016

12 December 2016

Wessex Water received a warning letter following investigation of the Chard incident (2016/5379) in which water unfit and unwholesome was supplied.

9 May 2014

12 December 2016

Severn Trent Water received a warning letter following the investigation of the Cleeve incident (2014/4451) in which water unfit and unwholesome was supplied.

24 and 25 December 2013

6 December 2016

Wessex Water received a warning letter following the investigation of the Ivyfield incident (2014/4374) where the company failed to adequately disinfect water leaving its Ivyfield works.

26 January 2013

12 July 2013

Cambridge Water was issued with a warning letter following the company’s failure to notify the Inspectorate of a reportable event  – Oakington 450 mm burst main (2013/3889).

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