Regulation 9 supplies



2019/04 (PDF 56KB)

Regulation 9 Supply Undertaking Maintenance

2018/06 (PDF 301KB)

Section 80 Notice appeal

2018/05 (PDF 129KB) 

Long standing water quality contamination

2018/04 (PDF 167KB) 

Change of supply for long-term remediation

2018/02 (PDF 363KB) 

Prosecution for non-compliance of Regulation 18 Notice

2014/14 (PDF 112KB)

Treatment requirements at a public building

2014/13 (PDF 105KB)

What constitutes a ‘commercial premises’ within the context of the legislation?

2014/09 (PDF 98KB)

Disconnection of a supply

2014/07 (PDF 90KB)

Change of use from non-domestic to domestic purposes at a public building

2014/02 (PDF 140KB)

Classification of tourist springs and wholesomeness issues

2014/01 (PDF 208KB)

Verifying that improvement have been made to a village supply

2013/21 (PDF 55KB) 

An example of a simple, but effective, regime for managing a private supply serving a public building

2013/20 (PDF 88KB)

Exercising the power to enhance monitoring as a means of overcoming obdurate owners

2013/16 (PDF 55KB) 

Are local authority records of private supplies being taken into account proactively and beneficially during planning and housing decisions?

2013/15 (PDF 60KB) 

Realising wider benefits from local authority private supply data returns

2013/12 (PDF 125KB)

Deciding whether a situation comprises a public or a private water supply

2013/08 (PDF 59KB)

The public health value of keeping records of private supplies whether or not these are used for domestic purposes

2013/07 (PDF 144KB) 

Further evidence of farms as a category of premises at high risk of causing water to be unsafe as a consequence of unsuitable water supply arrangements

2013/05 (PDF 60KB)

Enforcement action where covenants exist

2013/03 (PDF 65KB)

Commissioning of a private supply to a large hospital

2012/09 (PDF 186KB)

Improving the safety and sustainability of a failing rural community water supply in a cost effective manner

2012/07 (PDF 59KB) 

Risk to a domestic water supply from another supply used for non- domestic purposes on a commercial premises

2012/06 (PDF 153KB)

Repetition of illness among seasonal workers at a fruit farm associated with mismanagement of the domestic and non-domestic water supply arrangements on the premises

2011/12 (PDF 150KB)

Prohibition of disconnection and securing the sufficiency of private supplies

2011/05 (PDF 401KB)

Best practice in relation to co-regulation of drinking water safety at premises by water companies and local authorities

2010/05 (PDF 295KB)

Failure of a borehole supply serving rented property

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