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Information Notes
The Inspectorate has produced a number of Information Notes which provide further guidance around the individual Regulations.
PWS Regulations (England)
- Regulation 2: Interpretation.
- Regulation 3: Scope.
- Regulation 4: Wholesomeness.
- Regulation 5: Use of Products and Disinfection arrangements.
- Regulation 6: Risk Assessment.
- Regulation 7: Monitoring.
- Regulation 8: Further Distribution. (Questions and Answers)
- Regulation 9: Large and Commercial Supplies.
- Regulation 10: Small Supplies.
- Regulation 11: Radioactivity.
- Regulation 12: Sampling and Analysis.
- Regulation 13: New Supplies.
- Regulation 14: Records.
- Regulation 15: Provision of Information.
- Regulation 16: Investigation.
- Regulation 17: Authorisation.
- Regulation 18: Notices.
- Regulation 19 and 20: Appeals and Penalties.
- Regulation 21: Fees.
PWS Regulations (Wales)
- Regulation 2: Interpretation and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 3: Scope and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 4: Wholesomeness and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 5: Use of Products and Disinfection arrangements and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 6: Risk Assessment and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 7: Monitoring and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 8: Further Distribution and Welsh Translation. (Questions and Answers and Welsh Translation)
- Regulation 9: Large and Commercial Supplies and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 10: Supplies to Single Dwellings and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 11: Supplies as part of a domestic tenancy and/or shared supply and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 12 & 13: Radioactivity and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 14: Sampling and Analysis and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 15: New Supplies and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 16: Records and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 17: Provision of Information and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 18: Investigation and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 19: Authorisation and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 20: Notices and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 21 and 22: Appeals and Penalties and Welsh Translation.
- Regulation 23: Fees and Welsh Translation.