Notice of Regulation: United Utilities Water – Concessionary Supplies




Concessionary Supplies:

CSU86 Dane Bent


CSU419 Bolton Barn Farm


CSU420 Turton Manor Cottage


CSU249 Rattan Clough


CSU96 East View Cottage


CSU292 Spring Hag Wood (Yak Yam No.1)

CSU376 Spring Hag Wood (No.2)

CSU418 Spring Hag Wood (No.3)

Not applicable – now under Local authority regulatory control

Supply System Y1525

Legal Instrument Database Reference number: UUT3930


  1. Has on 02 November 2017 received a report from UNITED UTILITIES WATER LTD. (the “Company”) dated 15 September 2016 (the “Report”) which states that there is or has been a significant risk of supplying water from the above-listed concessionary supplies that could constitute a potential danger to human health.
  2. GIVES NOTICE to the Company under regulation 28(4) of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 that it must satisfy the following requirements:

To implement measures to ensure a continuous supply of wholesome water to the properties listed above, or supplied by the sources listed above, for risks associated with:

  • Microbiological parameters
  • Copper, lead and nickel
  • Colour and turbidity
  • Iron, manganese, pH, taste and odour


(a) to maintain the following measures for the period specified in each case:

Date: Ongoing for the duration of the Notice

  1. Raw water monitoring for an appropriate suite of parameters at an appropriate frequency to inform the company’s risk assessment
  2. Treated water monitoring for appropriate suite of parameters at an appropriate frequency to inform the company’s risk assessment
  3. Continual review of risks arising from the catchments, treatment and associated distribution and private domestic systems
  4. Identify and carry out appropriate maintenance and operational checks on treatment provided to ensure that public health is protected
  5. Ensure that staff operating and maintaining the treatment equipment are trained and competent to carry out the tasks required of them
  6. Other existing control measures to be identified and listed by the company including advising customers to boil their water supply as precautionary advice where applicable

(b) to complete the following measures by the dates specified:

  1. Review the risk assessments required by regulation 27 for each of the concessionary supplies listed.
    Date: Complete
  2. Confirm treatment needs or other measures required at each concessionary supply, following completion of the review of the relevant regulation 28 reports required under measure (b)1. above, to ensure a continuous supply of wholesome water to all the properties supplied by each of the concessionary supplies listed above.
    Date: Complete
  3. Install treatment or implement other appropriate operational measures for each supply to mitigate the identified risks listed above.
    Date: 30 April 2021

(c) to audit whether the measures have been effective by the following means:

  1. Define a strategy for auditing the effectiveness of measures listed in (a) and (b).
    Date: Complete
  2. Implement the audit strategy outlined above.
    Date: From 1 April 2018 until this Notice is revoked

(d) N/A

(e) to provide the following information in the time and manner specified below to enable monitoring of progress towards the mitigation of the risk of supplying water that would constitute a potential danger to human health:

  1. Provide a progress report against the following milestones:
    Date: Annually by 31 January
    • A revised regulation 28 report accompanied by a signed board level declaration following the completion of measure (b)1.
      Date: Complete
    • Report confirming the required treatment and or measures identified by measure (b)2.
      Date: Complete
    • Confirmation of the completion of measure (b)3.
      Date: 31 May 2021
    • Confirm details of the strategy for auditing the effectiveness of measures as required under (c)1.
      Date: Complete
  2. Review the risk assessment for each of the concessionary supplies covered by this Notice as required by Regulation 27(3) and subsequently submit a revised regulation 28 report accompanied by a signed board level declaration.
    Date: 30 June 2021
  3. Submit a satisfactory completion report.
    Date: 30 May 2022

Failure by the Company to comply with this Notice may result in enforcement proceedings under section 18 of the Act

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State
Milo Purcell
Deputy Chief Inspector
DWI ref: UUT3930
21 October 2020
Version 2

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